ENGLISH Serenade
Dinner Concert


Open 18:00 / Start 18:30
Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan
(Marunouchi Nijubashi Building)

NATIONAL SERENADE Dinner-concerts No.75
【Programs】*The program has been changed.
  • Elgar – Cockaigne Overture
  • Holst – Suite de Ballet
  • Vaughan Williams – Fantasia/li>
  • Smoked Salmon, Cottage Cheese and Kale Salad
  • Irish Lamb Stew • Bread
  • Sticky Toffee Pudding with Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Coffee/Tea • Cash Bar

The all-inclusive cost for the concert & cuisine is ¥8,850 in groups of 2 or more.
(We get many, many groups.)

Single tickets are ¥9,750.

4-concert subscriptions offer advantages of economy and priority seating.

Other seating is prioritised according to the initial order date.

FCCJ members may check with the F&B Committee for further club benefits.


Bank transfer to
NPO Tokyo Sinfonia
Mitsui-Sumitomo Bank Akasaka Branch
ordinary account 9819543

Online by Peatix at https://tokyosinfonia-english-serenade-11.peatix.com
or by Paypal at https://paypal.jp/   Send to: tickets@tokyosinfonia.com